Units of Energy Converter

Units of Energy Converter

Units of Energy Converter

Please write the value here and change the unit and the maginitude symbol.
With the left button you can copy the value to the calculator below.


Here you will see the converted values. You can choose the magnitude values.
With the left button you can copy the value in the upper input field.


Units and Magnitude Symbols

k= Kilo= 103= thousand
M= Mega= 106= million
G= Giga= 109= billion
T= Tera= 1012= trillion
P= Peta= 1015
E= Exa= 1018
kg= kilogram= 1 000 g
t= ton= 1 000 kg
Information on units and conversion factors
© 07/2015 Volker Quaschning
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