US to Metric Unit Converter

US to Metric Unit Converter

length |  area  |  volume  |  weight  |  temperature  |  milage

units of length

m (Meter)
ft (foot)
in (inch)
yd (yard)
sea mile

units of area

m² (square meter)
ha (hectare)
km² (square kilometer)
ft² (square foot)
in² (square inch)
yd² (square yard)
mi² (square mile)

units of volume

l (liter)
ml (milliliter)
m³ (cubic meter)
gal (U.S. gallon)
ft³ (cubic foot)
in³ (cubic inch)
yd³ (cubic yard)
ptr.bbl (petr. barrel)
cup (16 tablespoons)
ounce (liquid U.S)

units of weight

g (gram)
N (Newton)
lb (pound)
oz (ounce)

units of temperature

°C (Celsius)
°F (Fahrenheit)
K (Kelvin)


l/100 km (liter per 100 km)
mi/gal (miles per gallon)
km/l (kilometers per liter)
gal/100 mi (gallons per 100 miles)
length |  area  |  volume  |  weight  |  temperature  |  milage
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